spanish vocabulary

False Friends: Navigating the Spanish-English Language Trap

Explore the challenges of false friends in English-Spanish language learning. Discover common pitfalls and linguistic traps that can lead to misunderstandings. Learn how to navigate words like “embarazada” and “sensible” to communicate effectively. Avoid confusion between “actual” and “realize” in Spanish. Watch out for deceptive words like “librería” meaning “bookstore” instead of “library.” Enhance your Spanish skills by understanding false friends.

Siquiera – ¿Qué significa y cómo se usa?

Seguramente has escuchado a tus amigos nativos decir frases como “No pagues todo vos, siquiera dejame pagar la cerveza” o tal persona “aprobó el examen sin siquiera estudiar”, y te has preguntado ¿qué significa ese “siquiera”? ¡Pues ahora lo vas a descubrir!